- The Root Cause of the silent and ineffective church in Canada
- The shocking Dangers of being a CRA Charity
- What happens when you lose charity status (losing all your buildings, assets etc)
- Where to find this information yourself (it’s all public)
- Case studies: Churches losing their status then their assets
- NEW: Current Dangers (lose your status now over “misinformation”) Oct 29 2024 Announcement
- What does it matter, Church vs state, political involvement etc
- FAQs / Frequently asked questions.
- Next steps
- What can we do?
- How can we fix things?
- How can we avoid the pitfalls?
- How can we be bold, salt and light for our Canada, our communities?
- Q&A Time (expand on discussed topics, hint or answer questions not covered in 1st hour, etc)
Doors Open 6pm (maybe sooner)