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River View Community Church

Oct 8th 7-9pm

  • The Root Cause of the silent and ineffective church in Canada
  • The shocking Dangers of being a CRA Charity
  • What happens when you lose charity status (losing all your buildings, assets etc)
  • Where to find this information yourself (it’s all public)
  • Case studies: Churches losing their status then their assets
  • NEW: Current Dangers (lose your status now over “misinformation”) Oct 29 2024 Announcement
  • What does it matter, Church vs state, political involvement etc
  • FAQs / Frequently asked questions.
  • Next steps
    • What can we do?
    • How can we fix things?
    • How can we avoid the pitfalls?
    • How can we be bold, salt and light for our Canada, our communities?
  • Q&A Time (expand on discussed topics, hint or answer questions not covered in 1st hour, etc)

Doors Open 6pm (maybe sooner)

Church vs Charity

You can only be one. And why

20 minute Introduction

Why your church is probably wrong

Kevin Schulthies discusses the super concerning fact that charities in Canada are owned and operated by the Government of Canada, they lose all their assets, buildings and all if and when they lose their charitable statis (ever wonder why the church is so silent and not very effective in todays' Canada?) This is the root cause.

And contrary to what the bible teaches, every church that's a charity promises to stay silent on important matters. Promises to Not be a witness to evil (calling out evil laws, governments, people etc) They promise Not to be Witnesses praising any good laws, governments, people. They promise Not to be Salt and Light all because
Churches that are charities, LOVE MONEY, and FEAR MAN

I bring receipts and proofs, multiple charity lawyers interviews, charities experts, a few biblical scriptures and principles (longer version has many)

Hint at the 14 part workshop

The Issue, and the How to fix this with some Call to actions


Years in the making


Hours of Proofs and receipts


Slides of Dynamic Learning

Do your own Research - Take a Look below and be amazed

25000+ Enslaved Charities

Sharable Google Sheet

I didn't know that many
Interesting Charts about Money

Easy to read Breakdown of Assets and Liabilities of each Category of Enslaved Charity

How much do they have?
Government of Canada

Official Government Website of which Churches are Enslaved Charities.

Find yours!

Great Charity / Church Look up resource – Better then Canada’s government tool. Multiyear / Charts etc.

Church Vs Charity 

Church Vs Charity 

Church Vs Charity 

Charity vs Church 

Charity vs Church 

Charity vs Church 

Listen to a Charity Lawyer

15,000+ "Churches" (and 30,000+ "religious" category groups) in Canada are not really churches but government-owned and run organizations called CRA Charities.
Listen to Adam Aptowitzer - approved Charity Lawyer, has he confirmed all my fears after a short read of Canada's CRA charity website.

The government dictates what they must say and do, and what they are not allowed to say and do, while owning all assets (land, buildings, equipment etc).
The government is allowed to take away their status at any time under any vague reason and thus their assets through what is called the Revocation Tax.

Ever wonder why "Churches" (and the Christians they train) in Canada seem so quiet, weak, ineffective when it comes to matters outside their walls? They are silenced because of their love of money (because being a charity does indeed help increase donations and they know it and become a charity for that reason) Lawyer Firm

A MUST Listen / Read Article by:
Andrew DeBartolo

With the Shekels come the Shackles

With the Shekels come the Shackles by The Maple Theonomist

Read on Substack

War declared Against the church for “mis-information” as of Oct 29 2024

Educate your self

Running a Charity: A Canadian Legal Guide: Revised and updated edition